As seen on Jackson Kayak
2015 was a season full of well-timed and plentiful water. I met many new friends and reconnected with old friends as well. One of the most special highlights of 2015 was my hometown; Manchester, Iowa opened a new whitewater park, the largest in the state. I teamed up with the Manchester Parks and Recreation Department offering kayaking clinics at the new whitewater park introducing people to whitewater paddling, building upon skills of existing paddlers, and expanding the paddling community camaraderie. The kayaking clinics were made possible by a generous anonymous donation used to purchase Jackson Funs and all the safety equipment needed for the clinics. I also hosted a whitewater league night at the Manchester Whitewater Park, a casual evening gathering of anyone who wanted to paddle.
A few more notable highlights include:

Sharing the whitewater kayaking stoke with my river brother Kris!
• Helping a close friend, Kris, continue to bombproof his roll and take him on his first whitewater paddling trip to Wisconsin.

Crossing the Delaware 2015
• Cohosting the 3rd annual Crossing the Delaware event with my brother, 40 miles of quiet water paddling on the Maquoketa River in one day.
• Surfing behind the Spirit of Dubuque Sternwheeler.

Surfing behind the Spirit of Dubuque sternwheeler
• PFD of Bald River Falls (the lower third portion park and huck) and sharing it with my river brother Carl.

PFD of Bald River Falls, TN park and huck with my river brother Carl.
• Visiting Charles City Whitewater park more times in one year than ever before. (approx. 42 times from March to December)

Charles City Whitewater, Iowa
It was a great year, can’t wait for another!
By Hannah Ray J